5 WAYS TO WANDER: No Free Bread, a City You Missed, and a Thought to Ponder
27 December, 2024 | Welcome to 5 Ways to Wander. Here are five fresh ideas to inspire your next adventure!
#1 This Week’s Travel Hack:
Italy: Pay for Coffee, Not the Table. In Italy, restaurants often add a “coperto”(cover charge) for bread and table service – even if you don’t order the bread.
To dodge this, look for spots that say “No Coperto” on the menu. Better yet, grab a panini at a local alimentari (corner shop) and enjoy it in a piazza for a truly Italian (and budget-friendly) experience. You can also sip your espresso al banco (at the bar), where coffee costs less and coperto doesn’t apply.
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#2 Destination of the Week:
Cologne, Germany. Cologne is a city that doesn’t do subtle. You’ve got the Cologne Cathedral, a towering Gothic behemoth that took just 600 years to build – because why rush perfection?
Then there’s a whole guide on how to live like a true Kölner, consisting of 11 rules (I kid you not!), and, did I mention, drinking beer out of beer mugs is sacrilege.
If you’re here during Carnival, throw on a costume, forget your inhibitions, and join in on one of the wildest parties in Europe. Cologne’s Carnival is a riot of colors, confetti, and exuberance, where even the most buttoned-up locals lose their stuffy personas for a few days.
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#3 Cultural Insight:
The Timeless Sound of Fado. Fado is Portugal’s answer to a good cry – soulful, haunting, and packed with raw emotion. Born in Lisbon’s working-class neighborhoods in the 1820s, this traditional music genre, usually performed in Lisbon, is characterized by mournful ballads and accompanied by the Portuguese guitar.
While the story of Fado’s origin is a bit hazy, the word literally means ‘fate’, and the lyrics narrate the story of the singer’s life. Today, it remains an emotional cornerstone of Portuguese culture, performed in intimate taverns/pubs and celebrated as a UNESCO cultural treasure.
If you’re ever in Lisbon, catch a fado performance!

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#4 Travel Quote to Ponder:
“Don’t listen to what they say. Go see.”
― Chinese Proverb
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#5 Question for You:
What’s your dream destination for 2025?
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