100 Adventure Ideas You Can Try TODAY!

Looking for everyday adventure ideas?

Adventure doesn’t always have to involve a ton of money or a ridiculous amount of bravado.

Of course, we always hear of people embarking on cool adventures where they jump off a plane or do a 5000 mile run along the UK coastline. But for most of us, everyday adventures, or mini-adventures if you will, are enough to get the adrenaline pumping.

Whether you are looking for hiking in the forest or just a random adventure in your backyard, this list is a starter to channel your inner adventurer and do something different – and you can begin working through it today!

After all, adventure literally means ‘An unusual and exciting or daring experience’.

So anything that gets us out of our comfort zone, excites us, maybe even scares us a little, is enough to qualify as an adventure.


What do you do when you want an adventure? How do you satiate that itch?

The pandemic has taught us that life is too unpredictable. We may not always get a second chance to do something. This list will (hopefully) inspire you to pursue a life of adventure by seeking out the thrill in small, daily things. The devil is in the details, my friend, and she’s all charged up right now!


1.  Wake up early and catch a sunrise.

2.  Take a new route to work.

3.  Sit by your window and watch the sunset.

4.  Change your look. Get a new haircut. Color your hair red (or blue, if you’re feeling even more adventurous).

5.  Ride your bike to work for a change.

6.  Go star gazing.

7.  Host a Couchsurfer for the weekend. Show them around your city.

8.  Get purposefully lost somewhere and figure out your way back home by asking around for directions (no Google Maps allowed!)

9.  Go skinny dipping.

10.  Get a tattoo.

11.  Set a workout goal (run 10K in a week, lose 10 pounds, do a headstand, etc.). Cherish the thrill of achieving it.

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Adventure ideas
Adventure Ideas | Catching a sunset


12.  Visit your local park. Pack a picnic bag and enjoy some time out in nature by yourself.

13.  Explore the street art in your city. Head out hunting for cool graffiti and murals. You’ll be amazed at what you can find.

14.  Sample a new cuisine. Try food at a restaurant in your area that you’ve never tried before.

15.  Join a dance class (belly dancing, salsa, shuffle).

16.  Go to a jazz bar.

17.  Go swimming in a local river, lake or any water body.

18.  Give golf a shot. Start with mini-golf if you’re not confident enough.

19.  Visit a local farm and pick fresh fruits and vegetables. Something simple yet quite extraordinary about this.

20.  Go birding. This birding guide by National Geographic is an excellent resource to learn about the birds in your area, before you head out for your quest.

21.  Visit your local museums.

22.  Sign up for a food walking tour.

23.  See the Cirque du Soleil if and when it happens in your city or nearby.

24.  Shop at your local farmer’s market.

25.  Visit your local library.

26.  Find a place in your city to watch a sunrise/sunset. You’re one Google search away from finding out about this place. Then, head over there this weekend and catch the sun going up or down.

27.  Hunt down the Insta-worthy locations in your city and share them on the app! I often share pictures of Berlin, Germany, (where I live) on Instagram.

28.  Go for a hike. Slow down and take a chance to admire the great outdoors.

29.  Go geocaching.

30.  Be a tourist in your own city. Look up the top things to do in the city you live in, take a free walking tour. Join a pub crawl or Meetup event. Go to the tourist traps. Get out and explore!

31.  Support a local business. It doesn’t have to be new but it should be new to you!

32.  Attend a local food or music festival. You can visit your city’s tourism office (or check out their website) to find out which festivals are coming up.

Local Adventure Ideas
Being touristy in your city = hunting for cool places to eat


33.  Grow your own vegetables. Even if you don’t have a garden or balcony, you can grow all kinds of veggies indoors like lettuce, celery, parsley, mint and many more.

34.  Read up on the history of the city you live in.

35.  Build a tree house.

36.  Start a collection – of anything. Bar coasters, postcards, keychains, magnets… whatever you’re into!

37.  Do a virtual museum visit, especially if you’re a museum nerd. Google Arts and Culture is a free resource that allows you to virtually walk through some of the best pieces in the world of art. Whether it’s exploring Van Gogh’s work in Amsterdam or e-visiting the Chateau of Versailles, they have it all on this neat website.

38.  Camp in your backyard.

39.  Create an open air cinema in your backyard. Jump like camping, it is easy to set up and amazing fun. Find a projector, set up a sheet and hit play.

40.  If you don’t have a backyard, set up the cinema in your living room. Dim the lights, pop some corn, invite your friends and give movie nights a huge upgrade.

41.  Get crafty. Refurbish an old piece of furniture, do some DIY, get a canvas and smear some paint on it. Hang it up on the wall in your living room.

42.  Write a letter to your future self.

43.  Try some Pinterest hacks.

44.  Start composting. Good for the planet, and a cool adventure for you.

45.  Solve a Rubik’s cube.

46.  Declutter your wardrobe. Put away all the items you haven’t worn in a year, and make a fresh start with a smaller capsule wardrobe.

47.  Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Catch up on what they’ve been up to.

48.  Start a blog about something you care deeply and know well about. Like I did!


49.  Try stand-up paddleboarding. It’s way easier than it looks, and is a fun adventure activity the whole family can partake in together!

50.  Go mushroom foraging.

51.  Do a scavenger hunt. There are plenty of ideas online.

52.  Take a train somewhere, near or far.

53.  Start a family 30-day challenge. It could be related to health, wellbeing or anything you like (10K steps daily, no sugar for 30 days, meditating everyday, eating at least a meal together daily, etc.)

54.  Do a night hike. It’s a whole other experience.

55.  Take a cooking class together. Airbnb very likely has some amazing options right in your neighborhood.

Family Adventure Ideas
Stand-up-paddling is a great workout and a fun family adventure activity!


56.  Climb a tree. Tree climbing is not just for kids. You can help each other go up and down and you’ll love the views at the top.

57.  Do karaoke together!

58.  Try some kind of seasonal sport. Go skiing, snowboarding, snorkeling, stand-up-paddling – anything you choose. Shared experiences bring people closer.

59.  Adopt a pet. Visit your nearest animal shelter and bring a new family member home!

60.  Volunteer abroad. Givingway has some amazing opportunities that you can access for free.

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61.  Surprise each other with random weekend trips.

62.  Remember your very first date and recreate it.

63.  Take your partner somewhere you love, but they have never been.

64.  Make a travel bucket list of the places you want to visit together.

65.  Go indoor rock climbing together.

Couple Adventure Ideas


66.  Watch each other’s favorite bands live in concert.

67.  Attend a major international festival together.

68.  Start a club together. It could be about books, food, or whatever you share a common interest in. Invite each other’s friends that you don’t have in common to join!

69.  Catch a last-minute budget flight and travel together.

70.  Do a fitness challenge together.


71.  Volunteer. An online search for volunteer opportunities in your area can be a great way to start. Volunteering is not only a great way to give back, but it also makes you a better, kinder person.

72.  Invite friends/family over for game night.

73.  Donate blood.

74.  Go to a bar and get a drink – alone. Strike a conversation with the person sitting next to you. Just say hello, and it will take its own course.

75.  Take a photography class.

76.  Take a career break or gap year and take the time to travel.

77.  Join a book club. Not only will you make friends and exchange ideas, you will also be exposed to a vast range of subjects that you would otherwise never have thought of reading about.

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78.  Sign up for surfing lessons.

79.  Read an entire holy book from start to finish – the Koran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, Gita.

80.  Find a cause you are passionate about and get involved. Start petitions, write to local authorities, garner momentum in your community, talk and share your knowledge.

Adventure ideas for adults


81.  Go for a bike ride in a part of town that is unfamiliar to you.

82.  Camp overnight by the river.

83.  Find a waterfall near you and hike to it. Rally some friends to come along.

84.  Visit a nearby city for the weekend. If you have been there already, revisit the city in a different season. It will be a whole new experience.

85.  Take a mini roadtrip or staycation.

86.  Treat yourself to a spa weekend.

87.  Take an overnight roadtrip to a town/city you haven’t been to.


88.  Go vegan for a week.

89.  Go mushroom foraging.

90.  Pack some outdoor cooking gear and cook a meal on an open fire.

91.  Switch your eating routine up a bit. Eat pancakes for dinner and pasta for breakfast.

Food Adventure Ideas
Adventure Ideas | Go vegan for a week


92.  Learn a new language. There are myriad resources for language learning, my favorites being Duolingo (web and app) and Memrise. Time to brush up that high-school French!

93.  Watch a foreign film in the language you are learning.

94.  Create an account on Goodreads and set yourself a goal to read and post more reviews of books on the platform.

95.  Learn calligraphy.

96.  Learn HTML.

97.  Become an expert at something. Anything.

98.  Learn to play a new musical instrument. I’m currently learning to play the ukulele!

99.  Pick up one topic and go down an online rabbit hole to learn the crap out of it.

100.  Take a free course on Coursera on any subject that catches your fancy.


Like I said before, adventure doesn’t always have to involve bungee jumping or swimming with sharks. While these events are indeed seminal, the thrill from these eventually wanes.

On the contrary, everyday activities like the ones above can help us stay on the cusp of adventure. There’s never a dull moment. There’s always something new to look forward to.

And that’s what adventure really is, isn’t it?


Hope this list helps you find a little more of an adrenaline rush everyday.

Happy adventuring!


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